Strålende mottakelse for FLUKT på Sundance filmfestival
I natt hadde Jonas Poher Rasmussens FLUKT (FLEE) sin verdenspremiere ved Sundance filmfestival i USA.
Dokumentaren, hvor den afghanske flyktningen Amin forteller sin historie for første gang, har fått strålende mottagelse av presse og publikum på festivalen.
«A thrilling documentary made with a blend of animation and archive footage tells an immensely powerful tale of a gay Afghan survivor. … FLEE is a remarkably humanising and complex film, expanding and expounding the kind of story that’s too easily simplified. Rasmussen has created a loving and unsparing tribute to his friend, a brave survivor whose story I’ll find impossible to forget.» – The Guardian
«A thrilling, masterful survival story. Danish filmmaker Jonas Poher Rasmussen uses a visually startling approach to bring one man’s revelatory story to life. … It’s activism, therapy, and great cinema all at once» – IndieWire
«A powerful and poetic memoir of personal struggle and self-discovery that expands the definition of documentary» – The Hollywood Reporter
«Moving… Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s consideration of one man’s journey sheds light on the emotional legacy that can linger even after sanctuary is found» – Screen International
«Powerful… FLEE is also a rare window into the eyes of a refugee who is experiencing this displacement as a closeted young gay man» – The Playlist
FLUKT er en dansk-norsk-svensk-fransk samproduksjon. Filmen skulle egentlig hatt premiere ved Cannes filmfestival i fjor, men festivalen ble avlyst på grunn av korona.
Nå er FLUKT klar for å komme ut til publikum og filmen har fått med seg en av årets Oscar-favoritter Riz Ahmed (SOUND OF METAL) og Nikolaj Coster-Waldau som executive produsenter.
I USA skal FLUKT distribueres av NEON, som i fjor kjøpte den norske dokumentarsuksessen KUNSTNEREN OG TYVEN på Sundance filmfestival og sørget for at PARASITT vant Oscar for beste film.
I Norge har filmen fått æren av å åpne HUMAN dokumentarfilmfestival i Oslo den 1. mars.
FLUKT vil komme på kino i Norge i løpet av våren.
Her er noen de mange anmeldelsene og reaksjonene fra Sundance:
#Flee Review: Animated Documentary About Afghan Refugee Is a Thrilling, Masterful Survival Story https://t.co/PtvKUzUMQA #Sundance2021 pic.twitter.com/F0O1gruCAN
— IndieWire (@IndieWire) January 29, 2021
'Flee' Sundance review: "The moving, first-person story of Amin Nawabi, an Afghan forced to flee his homeland and the Mujaheddin as a child in the 1990s, is reconstructed in this thoughtful animated hybrid." #Sundance https://t.co/JQVLjEMhAj pic.twitter.com/EeO4oudA0a
— Screen International (@Screendaily) January 29, 2021
‘Flee’ Review: Doc Explores the Layers of Truth in Afghan Refugee’s Survival Story https://t.co/jUekgid8Um pic.twitter.com/Jff9pgU6yk
— Variety_Film (@Variety_Film) January 29, 2021
#Sundance film review: Animation documentary 'Flee'https://t.co/qyaWJxQeJL
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) January 29, 2021
‘Flee’ Is A Stellar Exploration Of Refuge Trauma [Sundance Review] https://t.co/MDTPA8hrh8 pic.twitter.com/41xUSLL4Vc
— The Playlist ? (@ThePlaylist) January 29, 2021
#FLEE is by far one of the best films I've seen in my four Sundances now. A thrilling, cathartic, hopeful survival story (in more ways than one). Surely to go down as one of the best documentaries of 2021. #Sundance2021 pic.twitter.com/QE7HluKp1T
— Zack Sharf (@ZSharf) January 29, 2021
A #Sundance rave! FLEE is remarkable – an animated documentary about a refugee rebuilding his life one story at a time. Riveting stuff. Would’ve played huge in the room at the festival, but will go way beyond that. https://t.co/NBcC9igMP7
— erickohn (@erickohn) January 29, 2021
FLEE is extraordinary. An animated documentary about being a refugee/migrant that hit me hard. As someone who left his homeland without parents or siblings, I was so moved by its honesty. It has gorgeous animation to boot. A standout of #Sundance2021 already. Review coming soon. pic.twitter.com/lF4nqDwzbY
— Carlos Aguilar (@Carlos_Film) January 29, 2021
‘Flee’ by Director Jonas Poher Rasmussen is an incredibly powerful and remarkable animated documentary about a refugee and his traumatic experiences. It really moved me @sundancefest #SundanceFilmFestival #flee pic.twitter.com/MMg2M5evFD
— Christina Jeurling Birro (@ChristinaBirro) January 29, 2021
I adored Flee. A stellar animated documentary about a refugee coming to terms with his journey two decades later. I hate to use the term "must-see," but it's a must-see. #Sundance2021
My review:https://t.co/EQ2TI2iKRV
— Gregory Ellwood – The Playlist ? (@TheGregoryE) January 29, 2021
FLEE is extremely moving, a beautifully crafted film. #Sundance2021 https://t.co/GQhgZpRIGc
— Lisa Dreyer (@pro_film_freak) January 29, 2021
FLEE, a harrowing doc about a child refugee from Afghanistan, just broke my heart and put it back together in under 90 minutes. The animation is equal parts beautiful and storytelling genius & as a champion of queer docs, I can't recommend it more highly! #sundance #sundance2021
— Nate Frey @ Sundance (@marieantoiNate) January 29, 2021
Opening night of #Sundance2021 continues on a strong note with FLEE, Danish director Jonas Poher Rasmussen's poetic and powerful Afghan refugee odyssey retold through animation laced with archive footage. My review for @THR:https://t.co/LRiNSACeXH
— David Rooney (@DavidCRooney1) January 29, 2021
FLEE blew me away. A genre-bending film, as a mostly animated documentary. Powerful, heart-wrenching story about a gay Afghan refugee searching for safety, comfort and love in the world, while also trying to hold on to the family that sacrificed everything for him to make it out. pic.twitter.com/eDsiiiYqTL
— Brentstagram™️©️ (@brentjackson7) January 29, 2021
FLEE is simply astonishing. A brilliant fusion of documentary filmmaking and gorgeous animation to uniquely deliver a compelling true story. Its imagery is both beautiful and tragic. Rasmussen perfectly captures the psychological scars of a refugee haunted by his past. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/8AriupKyeW
— Doug Jamieson @ #Sundance2021 (@itsdougjam) January 29, 2021
Flee is an outstanding animation that takes us on a journey of a teenage refugee and the dangerous obstacles he overcame on his own to reach a safe haven.
An excellent way of mixing documentary with narrative that keeps the thrill. A must-see ? #Flee #Sundance2021 #FilmTwitter pic.twitter.com/qgj2MQcCz6— Minorities Report From Sundance (@MReportPod) January 29, 2021
FLEE: Seamlessly intermixes a narrative and documentary format, taking you on a conscious journey into the unreconciled memories of a refugee. Compelling and utterly moving, you'll be hearing about this masterwork all year. Riz Ahmed produces and will voice on the dub. #Sundance
— Jason (@jasonosia) January 29, 2021